We are excited to be launching a NEW Safe Families ministry at SCG. Safe Families is an organization that serves the community by providing short term care to vulnerable children and families in crisis. And we at SCG are excited to provide a ministry here that supports host families in our congregation by mobilizing support in the ways of prayer, encouragement and tangible needs that will arise as they care for these families.

Want to donate items to help? We are hosting a Drive event to fill our Safe Families closet full of essentials that our SCG Host Families might need as they serve families in crisis in our community. Join us from 9a-11a on March 19th and drop off new or very gently used clothes, shoes, baby essentials, diapers or backpacks to support our Safe Families and their essential needs. Gift cards for restaurants, grocery stores, and big box retail stores are all welcomed and very helpful


RFKC is a weeklong resident camp for children from our area’s foster care system, ages 7-11. At camp, the children’s interaction with caring and compassionate volunteers is often the first positive experience they have had with adults. These camps serve as turning points in the lives of countless children, replacing cycles of abuse and neglect with love and hope. Our camp is funded by the generosity of individuals, families, and businesses. We invite you to help by making a tax-deductible donation. The check may be written to SeaCoast Grace Church; please write RFKC in the memo line.

For up to date information, including summer camp please visit: https://rfkccypress.org

Email our ministry lead, Gwen Jones at

SCG Church is passionate about carrying out the Great Commission overseas. We believe that when we come to know Jesus, He changes everything for us.  When this happens, we begin to live differently as we learn to love and live like Him.  But if we stop there, we end up living in little holy bubbles.  Jesus didn’t change everything just for us, He changed everything for us so that we could join Him in His work of changing everything for everyone.  He called us to SEND IT!

When we send it, we live in a way that looks a bit reckless to those who don’t know that we are tapped into the ultimate source of strength and power: God himself.  He teaches us to live lives of sacrifice and service, to be people who cannot help but share His good news with everyone and be the hands and fee of Jesus here in the world. We have a legacy of service in Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Uganda. We are excited about new opportunities in the future to give back elsewhere in the world. Regardless of where we serve, we seek to build partnerships based on mutual respect, humility towards our brothers and sisters in Christ and a commitment to community transformation.

Check out below for more information on all of our trips planned for 2025!




Ages 18+

This trip could be a life-changing experience! Your primary role on this trip is one of encouragement, fellowship, and learning. To create an environment for those important contributions, you’ll partner with a local church, on a development project that will aid in helping and reaching their neighbors and community. You will be involved in leading adult and kid evening education classes. You will learn, make new friends, and come home with new stories to tell, new knowledge to share and apply, and new opportunities to contribute to God’s kingdom!



Kurdistan: neighbors to nations

TRIP DATES: june 16-28

FOR MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS ONLY: MD, PA, ARNP, Nurses, Pharmacist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Phlebotomist, Mental Health Professionals, Clinic Coordinator, Optician, Optical Assistant

Join a team of medical professionals as we work along side Canyon Hills Community Church (Bothell, WA) who has an established presence and understanding of how to successfully run medical clinics in refugee camps.  Our goal is to provide medical services with this team as we learn from them how SCG could send our own independent medical teams to run clinics in the future. We will be working in the Barika Refugee Camp with Syrian refugees with a local NGO.  The camp is located in 30min outside of Sulaymaniyah (Kurdistan).  The UN has recently cut medical aid to this camp and has asked NGOs to step in and provide medical care. 


 Gleanings for the hungry

TRIP DATES: july 27-august 1

Ages: High School + Family (12+ years old)

Do global missions right here in California! This summer SCG is partnering with Gleanings for the Hungry to bring needed relief to the hungry of the world.  Gleanings is an organization that takes Jesus command to love our neighbors seriously.  They utilize cast off fruit (gleanings) from local farmers and turn it into nutritious (and delicious) life saving food for those experiencing food scarcity around the world.  We will be sending a team to spend a week at their fruit processing plant in Dinuba, California this summer.  We will depart on Sunday afternoon and return on Friday evening.  If you're willing to put in a hard day's work and want to make an impact, we'd love to have you join us!  

All food and lodging (dorm style) will be covered by your registration fee (plus we'll give you a team t-shirt!).  You will need to arrange your own transportation to the facility.  There is a pool on site for after-hours fun (and we'll be making some trips to the Kings River and Foster's Freeze!!).

6th-8th Grade Students MUST be accompanied by a parent.
8th Grade Student Leadership Team (SLT) Students ONLY may attend unaccompanied by a parent.
9th-12th Grade students may attend unaccompanied by a parent.



 Surfing The Nations: HAWAII

TRIP DATES: july 27-august 1

Young Adult/High School Leader

Come work with STN (Surfing the Nations) as they come alongside and bring the gospel to a impoverished neighborhood in Central Oahu.  You will serve by removing graffiti, tutoring kids, teaching afterschool classes and running and participating in afternoon sports programs. You will be living in the community on the STN base in Wahiawa.       



 Uganda, Africa

TRIP DATES: August 24-September 4

Rooted/Small Group Leaders Only

Come partner with a local Ugandan Church and discover with their leaders how they might be able to apply your small group leadership skills in their context to disciple and train members of their community.  You must have led rooted and other small groups at SCG Church.      



Shemah Tours: Indonesia

TRIP DATES: October 19-31

Ages 18+

Love to surf? Love adventure?  Love to talk about Jesus? Indonesia is the largest Muslim nation in the world.  In Indonesia there are millions and millions of people that have never heard about Jesus.  They have never met a follower of his.  It is amazing where a love for surfing and Jesus can take you.  Come with us as we meet new people and stay in new villages.