CliffsNotes Week #5 | Cody Surratt | SCG Church Service | June 16th, 2024

Series: Cliffs Notes

CliffsNotes Week #5 | Cody Surratt | SCG Church Service | June 16th, 2024

June 09, 2024 | Cody Surratt


Grab a friend and discuss what you learned this weekend with them.

1. What role does repentance play in the New Testament’s message of salvation? Why is
it important? What role does it play in your life as a Christian?
2. What does “Live Differently” mean to you? What are some of the key components?
3. What does it mean to you that God became a man? Why is it important that this man, Jesus, was God?

Put what you are learning into action!

Do you believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God? How does your life reflect your answer to this question? Is there anything you need to do or change as a result of this message?

Our message this weekend covered some important ground in Scripture.
Take time each day this week to dig into God’s word and allow it to impact your life.

Monday: John 1:1-18
Tuesday: Luke 1-3
Wednesday: Matthew 3-4
Thursday: Matthew 5-7
Friday: John 9-11

If you’re new to reading Scripture on your own, you can use the SOAP method.
1. Start with S-Scripture: read the passage.
2. Move on to O-Observation: what is interesting? What is confusing? What does this passage reveal about the world, God, and people (including yourself)?
3. Spend some time in A-Application: what do you sense you might need to do or change in response to what you have read?
4. Close your time with God in P-Prayer: talk to Him about your life, the day ahead, and what you are learning.

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